Favorite Things in Pregnancy

As I have shared before, being pregnant is not something I thought I would ever experience in my life. My husband and I had many plans and a child in the midst of it all was not part of it. We love traveling, exploring, trying new foods, and enjoying each others company. When I found out I was pregnant in late January this year, my world came to an abrupt halt. We we scared, unsure, not prepared, and stressed beyond all measure. I had finally finished my long journey to almost becoming a registered dietitian, 4 years of undergrad, 1300+ hours of an unpaid internship, and during that time I had been studying for a month or so to sit and take my board registered dietitian exam the following week after returning from a month long school away in Alabama for the Air Force. All I could see was all my hard laid out plans that were finally coming together, slip between my fingers and fall as hard as the two lines I saw on that pregnancy test. Maybe it was the stress, hormones, or I'm sure a combination of the two but I cried a lot while trying to figure out what our plan was going to be now. I was terrified I didn't have that "mom gene", the one that's nurturing or thinks of everything. I'm a terrible party planner, gift giver, and overall sometimes lacking in the thoughtful department. Sure I can keep the baby safe, but how do I raise it? How do I teach it all the things it will need to be a productive member of society? How do I make sure it's kind and cares more about leaving things better than he/she found it? I was struggling. 

My mind was racing. As the weeks passed and we decided to keep the baby, I got better with the idea of it. Initially, it was difficult when my family would talk to me about the baby. I was honest and explained how it's taking me awhile still to come around to the idea of it all. There was early chatter of baby showers and names- I needed more time, I needed more time even than my husband did. He proudly would hold my bloated belly that I "thought" was large at the time (not even close to where I am at 31 weeks hahaha). I was sure of one thing in all of this, that my life more than anyone else would be impacted forever and that was the part that was holding me back. Of course when you are pregnant everything you are doing is now not just for you. This is where I started to turn the corner. I started to feel like I was taking care of this little thing growing inside of me, then I thought I felt the first kick and my heart swelled. This thing inside of me, is something my husband and I made and man... it finally started to change. 

Becoming a mom has been the most amazing experience for me, something I never thought I would say. I love being pregnant or at least for now at 31 weeks I do. Ask me again mid-August when I'm miserable and hot! Hahaha. My pregnancy (knock on wood) has been wonderful, the baby has been measuring small which required some additional testing and of course natural increase in stress and worry on our part, but after we went through the testing- everything is fine. I've been doing my best to stay active, positive, happy, and eating a variety of delicious and nutritious foods. I love thinking of how the baby tastes them in the amniotic fluid and hope it helps spur some curiosity when we move to foods someday in the future. 

Listening to my body is probably the one thing I have embraced full on in this pregnancy. Not to say I haven't gotten better with that over the past few years prior to however, I still would do things that maybe I shouldn't have or that may have not been super kind to my body such as skimping on sleep and not always fueling to give my body nutrients it needs. As the second trimester came to a close, I really started to feel the impact on my workouts and simply caring a bigger belly around. I'm much more cumbersome of course, but even walking too quickly or bending certain ways would cause discomfort to which I would simply stop the movement and then avoid in the future. 

Being pregnant is NOT the time to aim for super goal setting in the gym. My body is creating life and I know that is my priority over these 40 weeks. I have to walk at a different pace now otherwise I will get Braxton Hicks contractions, so I simply slow it down and ensure I am staying super hydrated at all times. I have also been listening to my appetite even if it isn't exactly what I know I should be eating. Sometimes for dinner I want a big bowl of cereal or a weird combination of a salad, a banana with peanut butter, and a yogurt. I refuse to eat meals/foods to only ensure I am hitting all my nutritional needs. As a dietitian I know it's the big picture that counts, so having a few meals like this during the week will not hurt me or the baby's health. I get a huge variety of proteins, whole grains, vegetables, dairy products, and fruit. No need to add extra stress. One thing I learned is how difficult it can be to get the nutrients a mom needs with food aversions, nausea, and fatigue, especially early on in pregnancy! Women tend to lose weight during this time period simply due to that. I didn't experience it too much, but man crackers, bread, and cereal certainly saved the day. 

Another thing that I simply can't get enough of is this little guy/gal's kicks and hits. Even at 2 in the morning, when I feel a full body flip that feels like the People's Elbow that wakes me, I just smile and rub my belly back. I love my morning car rides to work where I talk to the baby and rub where it's kicks are. The baby loves being high and in my left rib cage while sleeping and hangs out in the upper right all the rest of the time haha, but I wouldn't trade any of it. Feeling this little thing inside of me really has established such a connection and day by day I grow more eager to meet this little baby M. I love it so much and I haven't even met it yet. 

Just like anything in life, it is so unique to you. You may read this and experience none of the same things or all of the same plus some. I am just grateful for the decision my husband and I made to bring this baby into the world. I am looking forward to the day that I get to finally lay eyes on its sweet face, eyes, hands, and feet. I'm so lucky and I know this isn't the experience every women gets to have. I can say that I have loved every moment of being pregnant and being a mom so far. Life is amazing. 


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