My Birth Story


Every mom's birth story is different, the one thing that is constant in each is the never forgetting how amazing that day(s) is and meeting your new little human for the first time no matter what she has gone through. I met our son much earlier than expected which wasn't the first time he surprised us over those 9 months. Being pregnant in the summer months has many challenges. Being hotter than normal and fatigued is an understatement especially when your due date is in early September and you have all those summer months to make it through. Our sweet George arrived over 3 weeks early which is something I didn't expect at all and honestly was in disbelief of it happening. So here's how my little man came into this world. 

It was the end of the week and I was working hard at finishing the nursery and we also had someone working on some home improvements. My husband (airline pilot) was away on a trip so it made sense for me to be home while work was being done on our 4 season room and bathroom. The day started well enough. I woke up and enjoyed some breakfast and started working on some things, we had the doors and windows open to ventilate the home improvements with paint and what not so the house was a blistering hot box with the outdoor temps being in the 90's. I had contractions and cramping all day making me extremely uncomfortable. I chalked it up to the heat and the fact that I was working around the house all day walking up and down the stairs and assuming I wasn't drinking enough water.

It was a very hot week and I had been trying to keep up on my water intake, as usual. But with the temps being so hot I really felt warm as the late afternoon started creeping in. I was drinking a ton of water and didn't feel that it was doing the trick. I was working on George's drawers separating his clothes by month and I felt pain in my lower abdomen/pelvis area....again since our due date wasn't until September 11th, I chalked this up my shorts feeling tight. At this point I didn't have too many items of clothing that weren't tight. But I just felt increasingly uncomfortable. I propped myself up against the wall and sat on the floor as I folded and separated his clothes. I even would hold my short band away from my waist as I felt it was really causing discomfort. I kept pushing off the discomfort and then decided to lay down for a bit in bed with the fan on for about 45 mins. I had an ice cream date planned with two of my friends so I really wanted to feel better to see them and of course enjoy some delicious Mr. Freeze. I made it to the ice cream shop and unfortunately we ended up sitting in direct sunlight accompanied by the heat and I had to extend my legs to help with the cramps. I sat there and was sweating through the discomfort and didn't say much because all I knew was the discomfort I had been feeling and had assumed it was just late pregnancy pain. 

When I got home I texted my husband to express my regret of going because we were sitting in the sun and I figured I was over extending myself in the heat. I started to tell him about the pain I was in along with my stomach becoming increasingly hard and chose to take a shower hoping it would help me feel better because I was so hot and sweaty. After taking a shower, the pain quickly became worse and started to feel much more like cramping in my lower abdomen. This was distinctly different than Braxton Hicks that I had experienced in pregnancy, which was higher up and just a tightening feeling. I felt the baby and it felt so low in my pelvis then I noticed the pain was coming in waves, timed waves- exactly 1 min apart about every 4 mins. It got to the point where I couldn't really stand too well because of the discomfort. Since Chris was away in Marquette, MI I decided to call the doctor on call and she instructed me to just come in and get things checked out. I called my mom to inform her. Leading up to this point I had spoke with my mom about the possibly of her being a stand in had Chris been away for work should I go into labor, she was more than happy to be should it happen. She was on standby at this point. 

I drove myself there experiencing two contractions, as I got out of my car I went into the back seat to grab my hospital bag, but then I said no because I didn't want to be that lady that comes in and gets sent home like I had read about many times having to carry my bag back to the car, little did I know, I would need that bag because I wasn't going to be leaving the hospital for a few days. I arrived at the ER entrance and sat in a wheel chair as my contractions continued. As I was being wheeled to the birthing floor my legs began shaking uncontrollably, I remember distinctly apologizing to the person who was wheeling me there. The nurse asked me for a urine sample and then I changed into a gown. I laid on the table and they placed bands on my belly to measure the baby's heart rate and also contractions. It was getting worse and I knew these were real contractions. 

The nurse then wanted to check and see if I was dilated, this was the first time I had ever been checked and honestly was almost one of the worst things I experienced. I am unsure if the nurse did it incorrectly or if that is normal, but it hurt VERY much, it felt as if she stuck her entire fist up there to measure. I arched my body up uncontrollably in response. It was terrible, she measured me at 1 cm and then the doctor came into my room, we talked about what had been going on that day and with what I had been experiencing throughout my pregnancy with him being so small, she decided it was best to keep me for observations overnight. They admitted me and moved me to a birthing suite room at 11pm, they wanted to wait 2 hours and see if I was progressing or if the baby wasn't ready yet. As I walked there, the contractions continued. I was texting Chris, telling him to sleep- which was easy for me to say. I know he was worried at this point about me and also about missing what could happen. We both were thinking that this couldn't be it yet, it's our first baby and we were over 3 weeks early- the baby couldn't be coming yet. 

The shaking of my body became increasingly worse- this was the most unexpected thing and honestly it's something I had never heard of while in labor. I was shaking so uncontrollably that it really bothered me, I could barely text because I was shaking so hard. I text Chris and decided to call my mom to let her know what was the update of me staying, she decided to head up to the hospital. The doctor returned as my contractions grew more intense and closer together, she checked to see how I was progressing and I had moved to 4 cm at which time she informed me that I was in labor and my epidural was called in, we would be having a baby. 

Chris frantically tried to get his crew support on the phone to see if he could get some emergent leave to get home, but wasn't successful. My shaking became increasingly worse. Chris continued to wait on hold with crew support and I just reassured him that it was okay. I got my epidural around 1130 pm and my mom arrived just after midnight. Chris fell asleep until about 330 am-ish when I text him, "we are having a baby soon." He just kept telling me to hold on and to make the baby wait- jokingly. My doctor decided to break my water around 315 am, things were progressing quite quickly. The epidural numbed all the pain and discomfort I had been feeling, but the shaking continued. (By the way, if you are on the fence about getting one.... do it- that's all I have to say about that! LOL.) It was so strong, except during the contractions. I had to prop my phone up on the bed just to text Chris because I couldn't steady my hands. I had been positioned on each side to keep the baby's heart rate in a good range, they kept moving me (since I couldn't move my legs at this point), but the baby's heart rate was irregular. Chris decided to call his mom, he was freaking out a bit- it was difficult to tell since it was over text, but I know he wanted to be there so bad with me. The hormones were causing such intense shaking- having uncontrollable shaking like that was just very unreal. During this time they were keeping a close eye on the baby's heart rate, meanwhile I was updating Chris... he text me about not having the baby's seat in the car yet (SHIT)... contractions were getting closer and closer, Chris desperately needed more time- "5 more hours" he told me. I knew we didn't have that much time, but I entertained the thought of me "holding the baby off". 

I could feel pressure, I felt like the baby was sitting in my butt- haha and felt the fluid gush out initially, then a steady flow for about 15-20 mins when she broke my water. I told Chris, that we maybe had an hour or two tops, he was upset because he had no way to get to us. We realized that he wasn't going to be here for it if it was going to be happening then at 4 am and I asked if he would like to FaceTime so he could see the birth because it was coming. His van would be picking him up at 520 am to take him to the airport and where he was at, the phone service was really poor which would leave him with no way to be in contact with us. We had a very small window if it was going to happen right now. At 4 am, the doctor and nurses started to set everything up. They brought in a table of sterile items and gowned up. I told Chris the baby was down and we were getting ready. His response, "What!-What the fuck" LOL. I was heart broken, I needed my husband there, we did this together and it was going to be such a special once in a lifetime opportunity for us, but I didn't let it show. I remained positive and tried to make him feel better because I know he was so upset about missing it and having it be absolutely out of his control. 

I told him I was sorry, he asked what time we were talking, I told him maybe a half hour/45 mins. He responded again with "Jesus- what the fuck, how could it possibly come this quickly?" The doctor sat me up because my blood pressure started to drop and wanted my body to push on it's own for a bit. Chris text me, "only you and your mom can know what it is. Tell her no telling anybody till I get there" I told him I couldn't wait to see him, he responded "I'm so sorry that little shit couldn't give me 5 more hours." I was almost in disbelief and of course the pain medication was working so I was pretty calm. 

The one thing I asked from the nurse/doctor was that I wanted Chris to tell me what the baby was. I had wanted this from the beginning, even if he was there in person. At this point, the doctor was there and the baby was crowning. Chris' response was "OMG"- We called Chris on Facetime at 4:22 am, they did such a great job accommodating, holding my phone so he could see the birth & of course tell me what it was as he came out. I heard the baby cry, the Dr. asked Chris what the baby was, he said It's a boy!! I was stunned- the baby had been so small throughout the pregnancy, so I was shocked when he said it. George arrived with 12 pushes at 4:44 am. It was such an easy birth, I even felt like I could do it all over again- 20 times over if I had to! George was crying and I just reached for him trying to console him from above. I asked my mom if she would like to cut the umbilical cord, she did- which was a first for her. Then I got to hold my sweet angel and I just felt so much relief. He was finally here, safe, and healthy. The nurses did their tests and checks, I pushed once for the placenta and then sent daddy a picture of his son on my chest at 5:13 am. He text me, "he's perfect and clearly has big things to accomplish since he decided to get here so early." I spent the next few hours, which felt like a whirlwind, holding my little man doing nothing but soaking in this amazing little human I only just met, but feel like I had known forever.  

Chris flew back, landed, & text me, "How's my best friend doing?" He got home as quickly as he could possibly arriving a little after 9 am to meet his son. I had never felt more happy, high, and full of love, Seeing Chris hold our baby for the first time filled my cup for the rest of my life. I look back at this quick and easy labor and wish I could relive every second of it. I have never felt that way about anything in life- even my wedding day. This truly was the most magical and amazing thing I have ever experienced and we were so lucky and blessed to have it unfold the way it did. I still am unsure till this day as to why George came so early. I suppose my little guy has big things to do in this world like his daddy said. All I know is I feel like I am who I am meant to be now with him, he's my world and damn is it sweeter with him in my heart. 


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